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Organ purchase: exclusive four-year interest-free finance

From Aspire Classical Organs
Tony Packer
You love the organ, the look of it, the sound of it, and the very essence of it and have wanted one for as long as you can ever remember. And then things change, you have perhaps moved house and have the room, or you have changed your job and moved up a pay grade, perhaps finished your mortgage. Now is the time to invest all that hard-earned time and money and indulge. With Aspire Classical Organs, getting that organ you have been dreaming of at a price you can afford is now easily possible – play your very own organ from the comfort of your own home, whereever and whenever it suits. Yes, playing or practising at home is no longer an impossible dream, those dark draughty rooms, time limited to the minute can be a thing of the past; the cumulative cost of paying to use someone else’s organ can be used to buy your very own.
You see, the clever people at Aspire have devised a unique interest-free plan for people like you. It is affordable, easy to apply for and supplied by people who love organs for people who love organs – so they know what they are talking about.
Called Play Now Pay Later™, this interest-free plan provides a unique 4-year finance deal that really is interest-free; this means that you avoid the entire initial outlay for any new instrument or the volatility of some bank loans. It’s equally available for churches, schools and residential settings, and whilst there are obviously specific criteria, it is designed and available for people like you. Better still, although they are based in Wales, Cardiff to be precise, there are no geographic limitations within the UK, so anyone can apply with confidence that they will be approved.
For instance, their most popular instruments, the Chorum 40S and the Envoy 23s, are available for only £125 per month. The plan cost is the same amount as if you had purchased the instrument outright. Also, personalised custom plans are available to meet your precise personal requirements. Please visit us at www.aspireorgans.co.uk or call 01792 721499 for more information.